Beam me up, Scotty! Hal-Con announces it’s first guest of 2023: Oded Fehr

May 18, 2023 | Hal-Con News, Guests

We’re finally ready to start revealing our Guest List!  Our (not so) secret plan is to announce a guest a week between now and October, so make sure to keep an eye on our web page and social media so that you’re in the know!  Also, speaking of worst kept secrets, tickets go on sale on June 16th, so watch our socials and website for updates on that as well!  

If you’re a fan of Star Trek: Discovery, you will definitely know our first guest as Fleet Admiral Charles Vance.  Of course, he could be familiar to you as Ardeth Bay, the leader of the Medjai in The Mummy OR it’s entirely possible you remember him as Carlos Olivera from Resident Evil: Apocalypse and Resident Evil: Extinction. No matter how you recognize him, we think you’ll join us in our excitement!  We’re thrilled to welcome Oded Fehr!

 See you next week with another guest announcement!