Autographs & Photos
Meeting your favourite geeky celebrity is the highlight of any con. Many Hal-Con guests will have designated autograph and/or photo opportunity sessions, and you can purchase tickets for these sessions either in advance or at the convention.
Pre-sales for 2024 autographs and photographs will be available October 2nd, 2024. Check back here then for a link to our storefront with Leap Epic Experiences.
Pre-Order Autograph and Photo Ops
Want to make sure you get to meet your favourite guest? You can buy autograph and photo op tickets online. Information on pricing for each guest usually appears on the website and social media when it becomes available. Pre-order sales of autographs and photo ops generally begin about a month before Hal-Con. Some items will not be available for presale.
Purchase Autograph and Photo Ops at the Convention
If you don’t want to buy online, don’t fret! There will be opportunities to purchase autograph and photo-op tickets during the convention. Attendees may purchase tickets on Level 1 in the Autograph & Photo area. Some guests may offer table selfies, combos for autos and photos, and other merch at their tables as well.
Rules & Regulations for Autographs
You must have a valid admission ticket to be able to use an autograph voucher. Purchase of an autograph or photograph voucher does not provide admission to the convention.
All autograph sales are available while supplies last. Each session has a finite number of slots. For additional rules and regulations please visit Leap Epic’s Experience Hal-Con 2024 store.
Attendees can purchase a maximum of 3 autographs for the same actor at a time. After receiving those autographs, you can get back in line for 3 more autographs and repeat as often as you like. One autograph voucher equals one signature.
Attendees can bring in personal items for the guest to sign, but it is up to the guest whether or not they will choose to sign any given item. If you do not have a personal item to sign, or if the guest declines to sign your personal item, there will be a selection of printed photos to choose from at the signing table at no additional cost. Free printed photos are not available to those who get a personal item or picture signed.
You are not allowed to take pictures on personal cameras/cell phones while waiting in line for autographs.
Rules & Regulations for Photographs
You must have a valid admission ticket to be able to use a photograph voucher. Purchase of a photograph voucher does not provide admission to the convention.
All photograph sales are available while supplies last. Each session has a finite number of slots. For additional rules and regulations please visit Leap Epic’s Experience Hal-Con 2024 store.
You can purchase a maximum of 3 photographs for the same actor at a time. After receiving those photographs, you can get back in line for 3 more photographs and repeat as often as you like. One photograph voucher equals one professional 8″x10″ print with a maximum of 4 attendees in one photograph.
Attendees may purchase a digital download and/or extra prints for an additional cost through Leap Epic Experiences, our official provider.
You are not allowed to take pictures on personal cameras/cell phones while waiting in line for photographs.